📊 Top talent are immigrating at record rates

Explore the latest global talent mobility trends.

💻️ Flex Report - Enterprise Deep Dive 💻️ 

The Flex Index released the 2024 edition of their Enterprise Flex Report this week. The research this year compiles data on more than 2,200 US-headquartered enterprises that employ more than 50 million people around the world to see how policy is trending for corporate employees at large companies.

Here’s the TLDR.

  • 82% of US-headquartered enterprises offer work location flexibility

  • While return-to-office mandates are gaining traction, only 18% expect five days a week in-office

  • Fully remote companies make up < 1% of US enterprises

  • The average US enterprise requires 2.49 days per week in office

  • For the 75% of companies that stipulate specific office days, Tuesday is the most common. Only 8% require Fridays.

  • The largest enterprises are least likely to be Full Time in Office - 8% of enterprises with 25k+ employees require it whereas 23% of enterprises with 1-5k employees do.

Lots of other great tidbits and visualizations so give the report a read and the Flex Index team a shoutout.

🌎️ BCG - Talent Mobility Trends 🌍️ 

Their Decoding Global Talent series is the largest data source on the mobility preferences of workers, globally. Their data set comprises of almost 900,000 responses on where and how people want to work around the world and this specific survey had 150,735 respondents in 188 countries.

Here’s the TLDR.

Who wants to move?

  • 23% of respondents are actively mobile

  • They’re mostly senior managers

  • Between the ages of 20-30 years old

  • And have likely already moved and lived abroad

Why are they moving?

More opportunities both professionally and financially.

Where are they moving from?

  • Africa had the highest percentage of respondents actively looking for jobs abroad due to growing populations/talent surpluses, low income levels, and relatively high unemployment

  • The Middle East, particularly the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, are also highly mobile due to the transient and foreign origin of the population

  • The lowest-mobility regions are Europe, North America, and parts of APAC (China, Australia)

Where are they moving to?

While London, UK remains the world’s top destination city, the top desirable countries are ranked as follows:

  1. Australia

  2. US

  3. Canada

  4. UK

  5. Germany

  1. Japan

  2. Switzerland

  3. Singapore

  4. France

  5. Spain

How do they decide where to go?

It’s a balance of extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Intrinsic include personal preferences, having acquaintances and family in other regions, language preferences, etc.

Extrinsic Factors, Ranked

  1. Quality of job opportunities

  2. Quality of life and climate

  3. Income tax and cost of living

  4. Safety, stability, and security

  5. Welcoming culture and inclusiveness

  1. Family-friendly environment

  2. Opportunities for citizenship

  3. Health care

  4. Innovation and digitization

  5. Visa and work permit processes

Bonus: Virtual mobility is growing

More people than ever before are considering working for an employer that had no physical presence in their country. 66% of respondents were willing to work remotely for an international company.

How can governments and companies attract top talent?

  1. Take a strategic approach to managing immigration

  2. Boost the country brand with a focus on jobs

  3. Build bilateral partnerships and programs with other countries

  4. Fast-track talent with critical skills

  5. Make immigration user-friendly

  6. Promote labor market inclusion